Titanfall Wiki

So you've read our guide and learned how to play Titanfall 2 - but how do you win? This guide will teach you how to win on Titanfall 2's multiplayer modes, giving you tips and tricks for each.

How to Win Bounty Hunt Mode

Bounty Hunt is a unique game mode, and winning it requires some additional considerations. Unlike other modes where the number of deaths or total points is all that matters, Bounty Hunt has a mechanic wherein players "bank" cash earned from kills. This means that a team could get all the kills ever, bank none, and still lose to the player who banked a single kill.

Because of this, you need to keep in mind this simple mantra - BANK and STEAL. When you kill another player, you steal some of their money. If you bank that money as soon as you get the chance, you can not only increase your team's chances of winning, but DECREASE their chances as well!

How to Win Amped Hard Point Mode

How to Win Capture the Flag Mode

How to Win Last Titan Standing Mode

How to Win Coliseum Mode

Coliseum Mode gives you a special loadout - EPG, Charge Rifle, Frag Grenade, and Phase Shift.

How to Win Pilot vs Pilot Mode

Winning in Pilot vs Pilot mode is an 8v8 game mode with no Titans - which can be a drag for players who specialize in Titan gameplay or heavy loadouts. No worries, though, because with the proper understanding of game mechanics and some insight into the game mode, winning at Pilot vs Pilot on Titanfall 2 can be pretty easy!

The big thing to keep in mind in this mode is that spawn zones are dynamic, and will respon to gameplay. The blue zone on your minimap is your team's spawn zone, and the red your enemy's. If you put pressure on their spawn zone, it will move, allowing you to force some strategy and create some choke points. That being said, be wary of the effect they can have on your spawn zone as well - keep it guarded!

The best thing you can do for your team is to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Ranged players will find their sighting somewhat restricted, so they might instead choose a support class like Grenadier. Assault classes typically thrive in this game mode, though they can be very quickly overwhelmed without heavy support backing them.

Most of all, keep moving! It will be hard to kill you if you're constantly moving, and it's this movement that will enhance your survivability in the long run.
