Titanfall Wiki
Primary Weapon
Icon r101
R-101 Carbine
Full-auto and high accuracy.
Damage 55
Accuracy 90
Range 65
Fire Rate 80

Magazine Capacity


Unlock Level


R-101 Carbine is a Pilot Primary Weapon in Titanfall 2. It was added in the March 30, 2017 Patch.

Summary[ | ]

The R-101 Carbine is functionally identical to the R-201 Carbine, save for the AOG scope used for its ironsights.

  • High DPS.
  • Loses accuracy quickly in hipfire.

Mods[ | ]

Icon Description
Att extraammo
Extra Ammo
Increases magazine capacity from 24 to 30.
Att gunrunner
Allows hipfire while sprinting.
Att speedloader
Reduces reload time by 30%.
Att gunready
Gun Ready
Halves the time to go in and out of ADS.
Att quickswap
Faster transition when switching to this weapon.
Att tactikill
Pilot kills reduce your Tactical ability's cooldown.

Attachments[ | ]

Icon Description
Att aogscope
Factory Issue
The R-101's base ironsights.
Att hcog
Open-sight reticle with no zoom.
Att hcogranger
HCOG Ranger
Sights with increased zoom.
Att threatscope
Threat Scope
Highlights enemies in red, even through smoke. Disables second mod slot.
Att proscreen
Pro Screen
Displays counter for lifetime pilot and titan kills.

See also[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]

Pilot Loadouts in Titanfall 2
Tacticals Cloak | Pulse Blade | Grapple | Stim | A-Wall | Phase Shift | Holo Pilot
Ordnance Frag Grenade | Arc Grenade | Firestar | Gravity Star | Electric Smoke Grenade | Satchel
Primary Weapons
Assault Rifles R-201 Carbine | R-101 Carbine | Hemlok BF-R | G2A5 | V-47 Flatline
SMGs CAR | Alternator | Volt | R-97 Compact SMG
LMGs Spitfire | L-STAR | X-55 Devotion
Sniper Rifles Kraber-AP Sniper | D-2 Double Take | Longbow-DMR
Shotguns EVA-8 Shotgun | Mastiff
Grenadiers Sidewinder SMR | EPG-1 | R-6P Softball | EM-4 Cold War
Pistols Wingman Elite | SA-3 Mozambique
Secondary Weapons
Sidearms RE-45 Auto | Hammond P2016 | B3 Wingman
Anti-Titan Charge Rifle | MGL Mag Launcher | LG-97 Thunderbolt | Archer
Pilot Kits
Kit 1 Power Cell | Fast Regen | Ordnance Expert | Phase Embark
Kit 2 Kill Report | Wall Hang | Hover | Low Profile | Titan Hunter