Pilot ordnance includes, Arc Grenades that stun enemies,, Frag Grenades which are cookable, explosive ordnance, Firestars that when thrown,ignite the impact area. Electric Smoke Grenades which blanket an area in electric smoke that damages enemies, Satchels, which are heavy explosives that are remotely detonated and Gravity Stars, which pull in any unlucky nearby pilots and detonates.
Titan Sentry - Cost: 35% Place an automated turret that fires on titans and armored targets. Lasts 1 minute.
Smart Pistol MK6 - Cost: 60% Replaces your sidearm with the Smart Pistol, which locks onto targets. Has two 12-round magazines.
Phase Rewind - Cost: 25% Phase Shift back in time to where you were [?] seconds ago.
Hard Cover - Cost: 20% Throw down a pilot-sized particle wall with [?] health.
Holo Pilot Nova - Cost: 40% Send out three Holo Pilots in front of you.
Dice Roll - Cost: 50% Use a random Boost.
Summary[ | ]
In Titanfall 2, Callsigns allow for aesthetic customization in multiplayer matches. Each callsign is shown for players when displayed. More callsigns are planned moving forward, especially for special events and DLC - but as with everything else DLC-oriented, they are going to be freely distributed.